The Waves of Fear
Anxiety threatens to beat up our world, our nation, our families, our lives. One fear at a time. One panic at a time. One “what if” at a time.
The onslaught of issues we have to fear is like the waves crashing on the beach. One after another. The next one brings the next one. They crash on us with overwhelming force and we begin to feel sucked under.
threatens to beat up our lives. One fear at a time. One panic at a time. One ‘what if’ at a time.”
We were never created to live in a STATE of fear. The anxiety systems in our bodies were designed to handle an incoming stressor, take care of it, and settle back down. Our souls cry out for us to live in a more settled state.
But instead, we often believe the anxious whispers that we SHOULD dread what has NOT yet happened. We listen to the dark murmurings convincing us we are INCAPABLE of handling whatever comes our way. The waves keep coming.
Instead of being beaten up by the waves of fear, we must face them. We must choose to silence the voice of this anxiety. We must stop waiting for the voices to simply go away but instead decide for ourselves that we will walk by the guidance of a more trusted Voice.
“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still.’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ They were terrified and asked each other, ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’” Mark 4: 39-41
Soul Adventurers, if you are being beaten up by the waves today, sit down and make a list of all that you fear. All of it. Get it out of your head where it swirls around, threatening to paralyze you from living your life. Take a deep breath, then remind yourself to take your life one moment at a time. One step at a time. One day at a time. Face ONE thing on your list. Claim the truth that you do not have to live in the fear but choose instead to believe the Voice of the only One who truly can calm the storm.